Section: Dissemination

Participation to congresses, conferences, invitations...

  • M. Bossy gave invited talks at the IMA Workshop Mathematics of the New Financial Systems University of Minnesota in May and at the Journees MAIRCI, Bull Grenoble in September.

  • M. Bossy gave talks at the workshop MathAmSud at Santiago, Chile in January and at the Conference in Energy Finance at WPI at Vienna, Austria in September.

  • N. Champagnat gave a 4h lecture on Modèles stochastiques individu-centrés en dynamique adaptative et étude du branchement évolutif at the Summer School Modélisation en dynamique des populations et Évolution: Probabilités et EDP in September at La Londe les Maures.

  • N. Champagnat gave talks at the MBI Workshop on Evolution and Spread of Disease in Columbus, Ohio, USA in March, at the Conference on Probability, Population Genetics and Evolution at the CIRM in Marseille in June, at the 6th European Congress of Mathematics (6ECM) in Krakow in July and at the XIème Colloque Franco-Roumain de Mathématiques Appliquées (CFR2012) in Bucarest in August.

  • N. Champagnat gave seminar talks at the SMILE Seminar on Stochastic Models for the Inference of Life Evolution at Collège de France, Paris, in March, at the Rencontres de la Chaire MMB (Modélisation Mathématique et Biodiversité) at Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau in June, at the workshop Modèles stochastiques pour l’écologie et la biologie of the Labex Numev in Montpellier in October, and at the Séminaire de Probabilités de l'Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse in Toulouse in November.

  • M. Deaconu gave invited talks at the Workshop, Sequential Monte Carlo Methods and Efficient Simulation in Finance at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris in October, at the Workshop, Perspective asupra cecetarii matematice in societatea bazata pe cunoastere, organisé dans le cadre de la Conférence Diaspora in Cercetarea Stiitifica si Invatamantul Superior in Romania, in October, at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Lausanne in July.

  • M. Deaconu gave a seminar talk at the Séminaire de Probabilités et Statistiques de l'Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne, in January.

  • D. Ibrahim gave a talk at the Chair of Quantitative Finance seminar of Centrale Paris, in April.

  • J. Inglis participated in the international colloquium Random Models in Neuroscience at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris) in July.

  • A. Lejay gave a talk at the conference Recent Developments in Stochastic Analysis at Lausanne (Switzerland) in February and at the workshop Rough Paths and PDEs at Oberwolfach (Germany) in August.

  • A. Lejay gave seminar talks at the probability seminars of Université du Maine (Le Mans), Université de Bourgogne, Université de Grenoble and Université de Rennes.

  • D. Talay gave talks at the workshop MathAmSud at Santiago, Chile in January and at the XV Ecole Franco-Espagnole Jacques-Louis Lions at Malaga in September. He also gave several seminars at Ecole Polytechnique and a seminar at Columbia University in October.

  • D. Talay gave a plenary conference at ICNAAM 2012 in Greece in September.

  • D. Talay gave mini-courses at the Séminaire Bachelier (Institut H. Poncaré, Paris) in January and February, and at ICERM (Brown Univeristy) in October.

  • E. Tanré gave one talk at the MathAmSud Workshop in Santiago, Chile in January and two talks at the CLAPEM (Latin American Congress of Probability and Mathematical Statistics) in March at Vina del Mar, Chile.

  • E. Tanré gave an invited talk at the International Colloquium Random Models in Neuroscience at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris) in July.

  • E. Tanré gave a seminar talk at the Probability Seminar of Univ. of Bourgogne (Dijon).

  • D. Villemonais gave a 6h lecture on Distributions quasi-stationnaires at the Université de Marseille in June 2012.

  • D. Villemonais gave talk at the Inhomogeneous random systems annual workshop at the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris in January 2012.

  • L. Violeau gave a talk at the XIème Colloque Franco-Roumain de Mathématiques Appliquées (CFR2012) in Bucarest in August.